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The Process of Constructing the Self and Its Relation to Psychotherapy

di Patricia M. Crittenden

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New York: Plenum Press. i For a graphic representation of this model, please access the WebPage at www.patcrittenden.com. ii Based on 9 self-report studies with a total sample of 6473 psychotherapists, approximately 50% of therapists had experienced childhood physical or sexual abuse or both, 85% had received psychotherapy while being therapists (and the therapy lasts approximately 6 times longer than for non-therapist clients), almost two-thirds were diagnosed with depression and one third with suicidal thoughts, 20% reported withholding “important,” usually sexual, information. Psychotherapists also reported more current personal and health problems, more anxiety, and more job satisfaction than other professionals. iii Based on 4 self-report studies of 3551 psychotherapists, 87% reported being sexually attracted to clients, 18% had considered sexual involvement more than once, and 6% reported sexual activity with adult clients (24% with child clients). Almost two-thirds of the same respondents reported treating 1 or more clients who had been sexually abused by a prior therapist and they reported this to authorities in only 8% of cases.
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