8. Appendice
Riviste che contengono aggiornamenti sulla validazione dei test psicologici:
– Bollettino di Psicologia Applicata
– European Journal of Psychological Assessment
– Journal of Forensic Psychology Practice
– Professional Psychology Research and Practice
– Psychological Assessment
Banche dati:
– Mental Measurements Yearbook
– PsycInfo
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The Psychometric quality of projective tecniques for children and adolescents in Italy
In this paper we review the psychometric characteristics of some of the most
used projective techniques for children and adolescents, the Draw a Human Figure, the Draw a
Family, the Children Apperception Test, the Duss tales and the Draw a Tree. Our aim is to offer the
users of these techniques for clinical or forensic purposes, the state of art of their reliability, validity
and standardization scores. Even considering what emerge from the international literature, if
for some techniques like, the Draw a Human Figure, the Draw a Family and the Duss tales, is possible
to obtain adequate interjudges reliability coefficients, there are still insufficient data related to
test-retest reliability and validity in general and discriminant and predictive validity in particular. Furthermore,
all techniques lack of adequate Italian standardisation norms to permit a normative use.
The quality of the psychometric characteristics of the data of these projective techniques available
at the moment, suggests not to adopt them for a nomotetic use, letting the possibility open for an
idiographic use.
- Articoli sulla Psicologia Giuridica
Lo stato preoccupante delle tecniche proiettive per l'età evolutiva in Italia
di Patrizio E. Tressoldi, Claudia Barilani e Luigi Pedrabissi
pag. 15 di 15
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